Tuesday, February 21, 2012

18 weeks

Hello everyone,
    I am now 2 weeks away from being half way through my pregnancy. That is crazy to me! I have some updates for my 18th week.

    I'm feeling pretty great lately. I'm tired, but that's because back pain has been keeping me up. My stomach is definitely starting to stick out...More than usual. I have been extra weepy lately. Thank you hormones; like I need help being emotional. I've got that one covered. I haven't really gained any weight. Which I think is ok at this point, but I have a prenatal appointment today and I will know for sure.

   The baby is now 6 inches from crown to rump (like a large mango) and weight a half a pound. That seems huge to me....but again, I've been monitoring it's progress since it was the size of a poppy seed. My baby is moving with more control and it's bones are becoming stronger. The disgusting fact this week is that my baby is now covered in vernix caseosa or cheese varnish in Latin. Vernix caseosa is a waxy substance that will protect my baby's skin until birth. I have been feeling my little guy or girl squirming around int here. Sometimes the kicks and rolls are more noticeable and other times I barely feel anything for most of the day. I do think that it will be getting more consistent within the next few weeks.

The cheerleaders are doing great. We are working hard at finishing up our routine. Regionals is next week, so this week is going to be killer. I think they will do well. They are all very young, but very hard workers. I am looking forward to seeing them perform...and also to having my evenings back...but mostly seeing them perform. Only 2 more weeks and the season is over. It's crazy how time flies.

Thanks for reading! :)