Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey everyone!
     Sorry it's been a few days since I've wrote. Thursday was the Elk's Lodge burger night. The cheerleaders worked their for tips. We made enough money to cover about a month and a half of gymnastics costs. I ended up being their with the cook and my co-coach until 11pm. I guess Red Lobster was in town shooting some commercials, so we stayed later than usual to feed them.

Friday was kinda crazy, but not as crazy as the rest of the week. (quarterly reports were due; which meant everybody needed financial reports from the accounting dept) We had a lot going on in the office, but luckily it wasn't directly effecting the accounting department. I actually had time to catch up on some filing; so our office is on the mend. After work, I spent 45 minutes with my husband before he had to go to work. After that, I washed the mountain of dishes that had accumulated from our hectic week. I was feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. I was going out to Bean's to hang out with her and Dukey. I figured since I had burned so many extra calories, I would indulge in some pizza; mostly because I didn't feel like cooking dinner just for myself. It was a bad idea. I had 3 breadsticks and half slice of was awful. It made me feel sick and gross. I won't be doing that again for a while. After I came home from Bean's, I washed some more dishes (it was bad, I had more than 2 sinks full). I couldn't fall asleep. My husband had told me he might get off work early. I was really I stayed up.....until 4am....He didn't get home until 10am...AND HE HAD TO GO BACK TO WORK AT 2!!! Needless to say, I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with him. He went to sleep, so I snuggled up next to him, but I am feeling pretty deprived of my time with him. :(

I'm going on a drive with Smelly Jr right now and then we are baking muffins. I'm sure our night will end in Zumba and a walk, so I'm excited to burn off some more calories. :)

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