Monday, April 25, 2011

Zumba is here!

Hello readers,
    Today, I received my Zumba DVDs in the mail. I was super pumped! I thought they would never get here. After work, I took my niece to her t-ball practice because her mom didn't have enough of a notice to take time off work. Let me just say...SHE IS AMAZING! she was smackin that ball pretty far for a five year old. She also understood how the bases worked pretty quickly and was throwing to first with great aim. I am pretty proud of the lil thing. After t-ball practice, Bean, Dukey, and I had pot roast at Dukey's house. It was nice to just hang out and talk with them. When we finished, it was only 6:30. I text-up Smelly Jr and asked if she would like to join Dukey and I for some Zumba. I thought it would be a decent work out, kinda cheesy, etc...It kicked our butts! and it was pretty fun. We definitely looked ridiculous, but we looked ridiculous together. The sad thing is, most of our work out was learning the steps. I can't wait to do it again! I recommend it to everybody, it's way fun!

Also, I forgot to weigh myself this morning so I will have a weight update tomorrow. :) I hope you all have a great Tuesday!


  1. I'm glad that they finally came in. The gym that I go to offers the classes but they are $5 a class so I am saying no for right now. Haha! Hope you enjoy your DVD's.

  2. i cant belive you liked zumba hahah. maybe i just had a shitty instructor!! yay for the DVD's ...i bet watching bean do it was funny...she probably obsessed with it like she was wth the dance game.
