Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Hello all,
    First off, I am thinking of doing a daily photo of me and my baby gut. Please post your opinions on that in a comment. Today is Wednesday. I've decided to share with you some myths about pregnancy that are just wacky and not very accurate:

  1. Cocoa butter prevents stretch marks.
    -Cocoa butter actually makes your skin more sensitive and does nothing for stretch marks.
  2. You can't eat sushi.
    -Sushi is permissible except for mackerel, shark, tilefish and swordfish. And don’t eat too much tuna.
  3. Dying your hair is harmful to your baby.
    -Most chemicals in hair dye will not cause problems with your pregnancy.
  4. You shouldn’t have sex/lift your hands over your head/touch your toes while pregnant.
    -Unless a doctor tells you otherwise, this does not hurt your pregnancy.
  5. You shouldn't take hot baths while pregnant. (TRUE TRUE TRUE)
    -You can take warm baths, just not any of those baths that would raise your temp to 102.
  6. You shouldn't drink coffee while pregnant.
    -Everything in moderation.
  7. You should sleep on your left side and never on your back.
    -Sleeping on one side can cause hip discomfort and sleeping on your back is fine as long as it's comfortable.
  8. Walking can make labor go by faster.
    -Labor will take it's sweet old time.
  9. When you're pregnant, you should eat for 2.
    -FALSE! when you're pregnant you only need an additional 200-300 calories a day...less than a candy bar, more like a Tillamook yogurt cup.
  10. Drinking beer can help breast milk come in.
    -Nope. Although it make relax the mother; which will help breast milk come in.

And your awkward photo title at bottom.
 "how long did it take you to figure out she was suppose to be a troll?"

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