Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 14 and Baby stuff

Hello readers,
    Well, I am officially 14 weeks and 1 day pregnant and into my 15th week. :) My friends in Colorado were telling me about a blogger who would post what she was suppose to be feeling while pregnant vs. what she actually felt. So I thought I would share in a similar fashion. So here goes:

Info for week 15:
My baby is 4 1/2" long and weighs 2-3 ounces; it is roughly the size of a large navel orange. It is looking less like an alien and more like an actual human fetus. It ears have moved to it's face, instead of looking like deformed gills on the side of it's neck. My baby has the coordination and strength to flip you the bird (or wiggle it's toes and suck it's thumb...your move, chump). Also, my baby can breathe and suck in that nasty amniotic fluid (which I learned a few weeks back it was able to poop in....I was not impressed...I may or may not have dry heaved for 20 minutes after learning that bit of info).

Info for mommy on month four (From What to Expect When You're Expecting):
Physically I may or may not feel some or all of the following-

  • fatigue
    • does it ever stop?
  • decrease urinary frequency
    • I'm not sleep-walking to the bathroom any longer, so round 1 to the good guys!
  • An end to, or a decrease in nausea and vomiting
    • This ends for some women completely?! I bet it's those skinny bitches...all cute and pregnant. Big Girl, over here, still feels sick at least once a week...but that's better than hugging the toilet all day and night; like the first trimester.
  • Constipation
    • This is a problem I NEVER had until I was pregnant. My family has no problem with the bathroom, it's one of our fav places to be...however, being pregnant I spend a lot less time there (peeing aside)....which isn't so bad, as I am still able to make regular visits.
  • Occasional headaches
    • YES! It sucks, I get headaches often and with force...but hopefully it levels out later on...please baby Jesus!
  • Increased appetite
    • Weird, I've felt this before pregnancy...I guess I'm just one of those girls who's body is more aware of pregnancy than the mind is... ;)
  • Varicose veins of legs and/or hemorrhoids.
    • I have Varicose veins in my feet! WTH! I also have some on my upper thighs, not a cute look when I slip back into my bikini....LOL! and I already promised myself I wouldn't get hemorrhoids. So no problem there!
  • Fetal movement near the end of this month.
    • Check! :)

  • Mood Swings
    • Hmm, I have really noticed anything except my husbands increasing ability to piss me off.
  • Excitement/or apprehension if you started to look or feel pregnant at last
    • I definitely cried over a huge blue vein on my side for about an hour sobbing "I don't want to be ugly AND fat!" while Alex kept me from collapsing in self-pity.
  • Frustration at being "in between" your regular wardrobe and looking pregnant enough for maternity clothes.
    • Oh man, I put on maternity pants right after I got a positive on my pee stick. I'd been saving those bad boys for the day it would be socially appropriate for me to wear them...not really...but really.
  • A feeling you're not quite together, your scattered, forgetful, drop things, have trouble concentrating.
    • I honestly don't think I've hit the "pregnancy brain" stage yet. Although, I have become increasingly clumsy.  Still awaiting the "crap where'd I put that sandwich" phase.
And that my friends, is how pregnant I've been feeling :)

On a separate note:

    I was laying in bed today (watching The Vampire Diaries...oh, those Salvator boys...*day dream*) and started to wonder what I needed to buy for our nursery. To some of you this may seem like an obvious question, but I found myself wondering what I was forgetting.  I got the basics: crib, changing table, rocking chair, bedding, etc. But then I got to the tricky stuff; like baby swings, bouncy chairs, Bumbo seats, play mats, monitors, diaper pails...the list goes on. And if you know me at all, I feel that I need all of those things in order to be properly prepared. So I started working on a budget....and became instantly aware of how poor I will be after checking off the items on my shopping list.

*sigh* it is a good thing that I am having this baby in the summer. My husband's job relies on the fishing from the Alaskan summers. Therefore, we should be able to purchase these things; which makes me feel very lucky. I imagine going through this without the financial means to purchase all the wants I have for my baby and I realize I'm already stressed out enough even with the ability to buy these things. So I took a moment to thank Jesus for blessing my family with the ability to purchase baby junk. Hallelujer! Not only that do I feel blessed to have the financial means to buy what my baby needs, but I also live in a great community and have amazing friends who are willing to hand-me-down their baby things.

Also, I've decided to start leaving you guys with some comics, etc....but each post will have an awkward pregnancy photo included. This week's title "I wonder how she got pregnant?" Enjoy!

Ok, that last one's a bad joke...but a pretty funny one.

What do you think the first symptom of pregnancy is?
Did you have a symptom that made you think "I should pee on a stick?"
Is there a symptom you have heard about that isn't on the list for this trimester?
Do you stress about being able to provide for a child if or when you have one?
Are there things you'd like to hear about on my blog?

Thanks for reading! Click to follow me and leave me a sweet-sweet comment! ;)


  1. You ding dong! You're not supposed to buy EVERYTHING for the baby! What the heck do you think baby showers are for?

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