Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Baby is a Ninja

Hello everyone,
   It's been a while since I've last posted and it's been kinda crazy.

Cheerleading update:
    We are competing at regionals. I lost one cheerleader through that decision, but we are ready to move on. The girls are hitting stunts that they were struggling with for weeks. I chalk it up to an attitude adjustment...and I am so proud of them.

Mommy (me) update:
I am still getting headaches, but not as debilitating. I have been feeling super tired and struggling to make it through the day. I also have been feeling dizzy. Last night I had vertigo pretty bad and couldn't walk on my own with out running into things...embarrassing. I went to the doctor today, thinking I had an ear infection. I have a sinus infection (which I get pretty often when I'm not pregnant) and a urinary tract infection (which I guess is fairly common when you're's my second one since I've been pregnant). I am going on "baby-safe" antibiotics and should be feeling better soon.

Baby update:
They pushed back my ultrasound to the week of my birthday (March 5th-March 9th). Just to put my at 20 weeks instead of 18. The baby has been having days of laziness and days of mad kicking.It is now the size of a sweet potato or 5.5" and weighs 5 oz. My uterus is now the size of a cantaloupe and up to my belly button. The baby can yawn, hear a little better (not well), and hiccup.

Valentines Day
Alex and I agreed on Saturday that we just give each other time for Valentines Day. He started work and is pretty busy. I am at cheerleading until 7 or so every night. So the best gift for each other is time. We ordered pizza and watched tv. It was great! When we went to bed the baby started kicking up a storm. Alex was rubbing my stomach; which has become a ritual from the morning sickness days. While his hand was resting on my stomach the baby started kicking right where his hand was at. I told him the baby didn't like his hand there. He got excited that the baby had seemed to respond to his hand on my stomach. I told him he could try to put a little pressure and see if he could feel it. We had tried this the week before and he was disappointed because the baby is so small he couldn't feel the kicks.  He tried it anyways. We both were really quite (like it would help the baby move). The baby kicked the most I've felt it kick in one place. I told Alex "it's kicking!". He looked at me with a frozen look on his face. Then he said "I felt it" "really" "I think so, it was just like dink (as he tapped my hand)" "yeah, that's what it feels like!" "that's amazing, let me see it again". He didn't feel it again, but he was really excited to have felt it at all. I went to sleep a little concerned that I had got him excited about a muscle twitch and not the baby. However, it seemed like too big of a coincidence.

Today at the doctor's office the baby kept running away from the doctor. She would find the heartbeat and then the baby would move and she'd have to search again. I laughed a bit and told her the baby liked to hide from the doppler. Finally the baby was still enough for her to get it's heartbeat. Then it kicked like crazy. "the baby is kicking the doppler" I laughed. She said "I know, I felt it bump it". "Really?" I asked. She said "yeah, you're going to have your hands full". I busted up "yeah, the baby is just like it's daddy. Neither of them can sit still." My day was made in that moment. I had confirmed that Alex probably had felt the baby kick. He had been waiting and waiting for it, and now it was here. He could feel more like a part of it. I will never forget the first time someone else felt my baby kick and the first time I believed it. :) baby is a ninja.

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