Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2nd Prenatal Appointment

Hello Readers,
   Today I had my 2nd prenatal appointment. I was excited for it all day! Here's how it went:

  1. They checked my vitals; my blood pressure was low and I had a normal temp.
  2. I peed in a cup; there was nothing unusual to be found.
  3. Alex played Angry Birds while we waited for the doctor...cause he's a grown up.
  4. The doc came in and asked how I was doing and if my headaches had gone away. I told her I am doing well, but the headaches are still semi-bothersome.
  5.  She asked if I had any questions. I had this one "I can't stay asleep; I wake up at least every hour and it's really difficult to get some rest. Is there anything I can do?" She said that it was ok to take a Benedryl or Tylenol PM (because Tylenol PM is pretty much Tylenol and Benedryl); but she recommended only taking it when I really needed it. I told her I might give it a shot for a night or two.
  6. I got to jump up on the exam table and listen to my baby's heart beat (posted at the end of this post). I always love that part. I find that I was secretly worrying that my baby had disappeared until I hear that noise. It was around 140 bpm. Which is kind of mid-range; the range being 130-160.
  7. I told her that I planned on going to Sitka for the birth (because our small town can't provide labor and delivery services) and asked if the OB from there was going visit town (because the ones out of Juneau make stops through 1 or 2 times a year). Sadly, my OB will not be stopping through.
  8. The doctor informed me that I would need to leave for Sitka at 38 weeks, around the 7th of July...I am kinda bummed that I will be stuck in Sitka for around two weeks, but hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly.
  9. Lastly I asked about my weight. She informed me that I am the same weight that I was before I got pregnant. This is mostly because I lost 9 lbs (12 when I was super sick) in my first trimester from morning sickness. I quickly put that weight back on once I could eat properly. I was extremely excited that I hadn't gained anything overall. I voiced my concern about being an overweight mother and gestational diabetes. She said that women should gain 15-20 lbs during pregnancy and that I wasn't showing any signs of gestational diabetes. My urine had no "sugars" in it. She did mention that they won't really check for gestational diabetes for a while longer, but as long as I ate frequent small and healthy meals, I should be fine. I was relieved to hear that. I have been struggling to eat frequently, but I am working on it day by day.

    The appointment was short and sweet...oh, I also have to do blood work in two weeks (which I HATE) and I have another appointment on the 21st of February. The doctor said we should be able to have an ultrasound and confirm gender that same week; I'm really looking forward to that. So, 4 more weeks and I should know if it's a boy or a girl. (you can vote on what you think it is by the little box on the right of the blog).

    Thanks for reading!

Can't you hear that boom badoom boom, boom badoom boom bass?! yeah, that's that super bass!