Monday, April 18, 2011

Mondays suck

hello all!
Today is Monday...yuck. I hate Mondays. Today was more stressful than most Mondays. I have been out of the office for a week and my boss has been out of the office for two weeks; leaving the accounting dept empty. So we had a lot of catching up to do. Not only that, but everybody expects their paychecks early....bleh. I weighed in today...I have remained at the same weight. This is no bueno. I have made a promise to myself to start eating better and exercising every day possible. Today, I am going to walk around the loop. (which is around a six mile loop of road around the main part of town) Tomorrow hopefully, my Zumba dvds will be in and I can start those. AK mail takes FOREVER!

I am kinda bummed lately because I haven't been getting much of a response for my challenge, nor have I received as many comments and views as usual. I know my trip was boring, but I would love some feed back on things you may want to hear more on. I will do my best to keep you all up to date as well as entertained.

Also, if you have friends, family, etc a distance away from you, a great way to show some love is to go over to Guin and Bare It jard cupcakes and send over cupcakes that won't be stale by the time they receive them. Great idea for college students and troops over seas.


  1. yes, great idea for college kids ;)keep your chin up jr, i still follow daily!

  2. No worries, I read every day but I dont' always comment. I have been so behind on everyone's blogs that I try to just make sure that I read them. Love you hun and I hope that your dvd's get there soon!

  3. i read when i have internet!!! hah i love you ....i just realized this. Blogging season is slow..everyone is outside in the sun! hope it gets better love you chica...ohh adele is singing right now!!! amazing
